Thursday, December 12, 2013

Write and Be Healthy!

There are different ways to be healthy like exercising, running, eating fruits and vegetables and doing yoga. But aside from these, there's also another way to be a healthy person and that would be writing.

You may not notice it but writing essays keeps a person healthy. How?

Through writing, you express your emotions through words. When you write down your feelings after an unforgettable moment in your life like a traumatic accident, healing and recovery can come faster.

There's a study made by New Zealand researchers which involved participants writing their deepest feelings. The participants underwent skin biopsies and the researchers discovered that those who expressively write their feelings have healed faster than those who do not.

You may be surprised by this but writing essays could actually help cancer patients to be optimistic and think about their disease in a different perspective. This finding was based on a 2008 study in the journal The Oncologists.

Last but not the least, writing helps improve your sleeping habits. Researchers have found out that people who spend minutes a night writing down what they're grateful for experienced longer and better sleep.

So, if you're lazy to write, think twice.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Inspirational Quotes For You To Write

Want to write but you do not have that inspiration to do so? Read the following inspirational quotes and get that drive to write.

To get more inspirational quotes about writing, you may visit

Funny Writing Memes

It's summer and it only means break from essay writing. But let's try to go back to some funny writing memes that we can relate to.

Funny Writing Meme#1

Funny Writing Meme#2

Funny Writing Meme#3

Funny Writing Meme#4

Which meme is your favorite? Mine is #2. That five-minute break on writing essays takes a lot of my time in writing my essay assignment. 

Essay vs. Paragraph

Today, I will be writing a short post discussing the differences between an essay and a paragraph. Students should know these differences or else they might be writing the wrong way.

Difference #1: Length of Topic Sentence
A paragraph and an essay both start with a topic sentence or a thesis statement. This explains what the essay or paragraph is all about.

An essay has a longer topic sentence while a paragraph requires only a simple and short topic sentence.

Difference #2: Structure of Supporting Details
In order to discuss your topic, you need supporting details.

When writing an essay, supporting details are provided in its supporting paragraphs. On the other hand, in a paragraph, the supporting details follow the topic sentence.

Difference #3: How Long?
Obviously, an essay is longer than a paragraph. But how long?

An essay is usually composed of five paragraphs while a paragraph is typically composed of five and six sentences.

So, here are a few differences between an essay and a paragraph that you should always remember.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Got an OCPD? Here are The Career Choices for You!

Do you have the so-called Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)? If yes, then keep on reading. If no, you may be interesting to know what's in for people who have it.

People who have OCPD is are those who have the tendency of setting high standards as a perfectionist and religious adherence to rules. At the same time, they often have extreme loyalty to work and intense desire to achieve goals.

But, here's the catch. People who have OCPD have issues when it comes to delegating work. As much as possible, he wants to complete a task on his own because he wants it to be perfect, flawless, and error-free.

Though having OCPD may bring issues and problems to the persons having it, they do not have to worry when it is time for them to leave the portals of college for there are lots of jobs which are more suitable for this type of personality.

Here are a few of the career options for people with Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder.
  • Corrections Officer A corrections officer’s duty is to maintain order and security among jailed inmates by enforcing rules and regulations. Remember that adherence to rules is one of the traits of people with OCPD and if you want people follow rules at all time, this must be the profession for you.

  • Proofreader/Editor/Copyreader One of the common characteristics of a person having OCPD is the tendency to correct and fix details of essays, dissertations, or the like until it becomes perfect. As a proofreader, you make sure that there are no grammatical errors, improper use of words, and all other possible mistakes related to punctuation, spacing, type, and alignment.

  • Accountant/ Financial Officer The main duties of an account or financial officer usually include the preparation and maintenance of accurate and clear financial records; review of accuracy of data; application of laws, codes, and regulations; reconciliation of accounts, reports, and records;  and setting of deadlines. The duties of an accountant demand a lot of time, skill, mastery, and carefulness. For a person having OCPD, he or she will tend to consider his work only if every detail of it is absolutely correct and perfect.

How To Select The Best Topic For Your Essay

Thinking of an essay topic? Well, there are simple ways how to pick the best.

Choosing a topic for your essay may consume a large portion of your time. It may seem as an easy task but the truth is it is not. With hundreds of possible topics, you may be too overwhelmed or confused to decide on the topic.

“How are you going to choose your essay topic?”

You can get ideas for your essay topic by reading newspapers, textbooks, journals & magazines, watching films, and knowing the current issues and trends.

Pick a topic or subject that you are really interested in. When you have that kind of interest, it will be comfortable for you to work on it. If you do not like your topic, it will seem that you are just forced to do it. Do not be too hard on yourself. Remember that you have to enjoy what you are doing.

It is a common mistake to choose a topic that is too hard for you to research. Do not be like some students who pick a difficult topic because they think it is an assurance of getting a good grade. This is a grave misconception. Your topic does not have to be out-of-this-world. In fact, the simpler or lighter your topic is, the better.

Decide and make up your mind. After weighing things and identifying which topic will be feasible, it is time to make up your mind. Choose the one that is close to your heart but of course, that topic must be significant, possible to be studied, and realistic.

After you have chosen your topic, prepare yourself to write your own essay. It can be short and simple but meaty and sensible.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Essay Writing Tutorials Available Online

Are you ready to write good essay samples? If not yet, then here are some essay writing tutorials available online. In just a few clicks, you can learn a lot and your writing skills can be improved.

So, take a pen and a paper for your notes and start to enjoy while watching.

There are actually more video tutorials available in YouTube and other video streaming sites. Just enter the phrases "essay writing tutorial" or "tutorials on writing essay samples" and you will get hundreds or thousands of results.

Book Review:Essays That Worked for College Applications

No one gets into college without passing first an entrance examination and sometimes, this includes submitting a college application essay.

If you want to be admitted in your dream university, better read “Essays That Worked for College Applications: 50 Essays that Helped Students Get into the Nation’s Top Colleges”.

Authored by Boykin Curry, Brian Kasbar, and Emily Angel Baer, the book is all about 50 essays that helped students get into the nation’s leading schools and discover the ultimate secrets that make students stand out among the rest.

The 50 essays compiled in this book are not the usual essays. According to the admissions officers at the nation’s top universities, these are the best essays which made the students accepted in the universities.

The book contains 176 pages. It was published by Ballantine Books on July 2003.

College applicants must have this book. Grab a copy of this book or request it from your parents.

Discover the secrets of essay writing and let this book inspire and drive you to go to college.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

What To Expect In An Essay Writing Workshop

You’ve got the skills. You’ve got the style. But you still want more. You want to improve your writing skills and styles. Then, join an essay writing workshop.

Through high quality writing workshop, students learn to:
  • Appreciate the benefits of writing as part of a one’s development
  • Have fun and enjoy writing
  • Think critically and deeply about writing essays
  • Express emotions through writing
  • Write an essay using a range of styles
  • Improve planning and time management
  • Enhance confidence in their abilities
  • Work effectively with other writers
  • Improve their communication skills
  • Be resourceful and creative
By attending an essay writing workshop, you are assured of a breakthrough experience.

How to Write A Personal Essay

Writing a personal essay should be easy. Why? Because it is all about yourself. Basically, a personal essay is a reflection of your thoughts and actions after a certain action.
Let’s say your professor assigned the class to write about what you did last Valentine’s Day.How are you going to compose your essay?

Here are some tips that can help you.

Focus on your subject. In this case, you will write about how you spend Valentine’s Day. Jot down all the things you have done on this day. Do not include unrelated activities during the same day. You can think of the following questions and answer them:

  • Have you prepared for that day?
  • Is there any something special that happened on that day?
  • Were you happy, sad, or mad? How did you feel?
Grab the attention of the readers. Your introduction is very important. It has to be interesting so that it will be able to catch the attention of the readers. If it’s not, the readers won’t mind reading the rest of your essay.

Example: Last Valentine’s Day, I am completely broke but not brokenhearted.

Write with substance. Your body is the meat of your essay. It has to be substantial, sensible, and worthy to read. It must satisfy your goals. In this case, you have to do narrate and describe the things you have done during Valentine’s Day. When you write your experiences, you must be careful with the use of your words, language, composition, and other technical aspects of writing.

End with a bang. When you close your essay, make sure that the readers will remember what you have written. Summarize the most important points you have made and end with your final stand/feeling/opinion. Actually, the most effective conclusion is one which is connected to the introduction of the essay. 

Enjoy while writing your personal essay. Give it your best shot!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Expect When You’re Expecting: What to Expect in a College Writing Course

You love Writing, Mathematics, and Science. You are undecided. You do not know which college course you are going to take. Will you take a Writing course such as Literature or Creative Writing? Or Electronic and Communications Engineering? Or Physics?

Here’s what you have to consider. Pick the course that is really close to your heart. If writing is your passion, then without any hesitation, choose a college writing course.

In case you decided to take a writing course, here are the things you have to expect:

  • Usually, writing courses in colleges have two main types- expository writing and research paper composition. In the first type, you will be required to write five various types of essays including comparison/contrast, causal analysis, and more. In the second type, students have to write a 2 research papers due before midterm and a week before finals.
  • There are some colleges which require students enrolled in writing courses to write 5-6 essays a week. This is a form of training for the students to enhance and improve their writing skills.
  • Attendance is very important. If in highschool, you have made 2 or 3 absences, college is totally different. Missing more than 3 classes will definitely affect your grade and performance.

Expect that in a writing course, you will eat essays for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And if you can’t take this, perhaps Physics or ECE is the right course for you.

Learn How to Motivate Students to Write

Sometimes, all students need is motivation.

Students have the skills, talent, and resources. However, despite these, they still find it hard to write. Why? It is not because there is no information available but simply because they lack motivation.

Lou Holtz said, “Ability is what you’re capable of doing. MOTIVATION determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.”

Motivation, thus, plays an important role in our lives. Ability is useless if you are not motivated to use your own ability. Let’s say that you are good in writing but you are not motivated to write; definitely you would not achieve anything.

Hence, it is important for the professors to motivate their students and students, on the other hand, must open themselves and be motivated.

Here are some ways on how to motivate students to write.

  • Talk to your students and determine why they are not motivated. There are various reasons why students are not motivated. Some of them have personal and family problems, lack self-confidence, or have a learning disability and the like. Spend time with your students and see how you can help them.

  • Give incentives/rewards. Students want to be recognized for a job well done. If you will reward your student for writing an excellent sample essay, then he or she will definitely appreciate it and as a result, he will work harder. Likewise, you can give simple gifts such as chocolates, candies or grade incentives.
  • Be enthusiastic.  Make your writing class lively and not boring. If you really want to motivate your students, you should be motivated as well. As the professor, you should be the first one to be motivated and excited about writing and other activities because this will catch the student’s attention.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tips On Writing A College Transfer Essay

Transferring to a college means a big adjustment. You will be meeting new professors, new classmates. You have to adjust to the new environment, new facilities, and new rules and regulations. There will be new things to face. What more if the school requires you to submit a college transfer essay?

There are some colleges which require students to submit a college transfer essay aside from their academic records. Some perceive that this essay is just for formality sake but if we will deeply look at it, it is actually an opportunity for the students to tell the reasons for transferring and for choosing the college.
In writing a college transfer essay, it is important that you give specific and concrete reasons for transferring. There are many reasons why students transfer colleges and some of the most common causes include financial reasons, family obligations, and change in majors. You have to state in your essay the valid reason(s) for transferring. Do not include reasons such as you just miss your girlfriend/boyfriend or your professors are boring.  If you do not have any valid reason, the college may not accept you.

It is also important that you pay respect to your current college. Do not try to destroy the reputation of your present college. If, however, there have been terrible things that happened to you there, write it pleasantly, not in a way that you are already badmouthing your college.

When you are writing a college transfer essay, write as if you are writing a sample essay. Observe style, structure, and tone. Though this is not graded, your essay represents who you are and how you write. If your essay is full of errors, misspellings, and other mistakes, the college you want to transfer to might hesitate to accept you.

Writing a college transfer essay should not be a burden to you. Just follow the aforementioned tips and you will never get lost. Good luck!

Tried and Tested Formula for Improving Essay Writing Skills

A = πr2
C = πd
V = (Ah)/3
D = m/V
A = (h(a + b))/2
TF = 9/5 TC + 32
F = Gm1m2/r^2
Fnet = m(Δv/Δt)

Do you remember these formulas? If you are good at Math or Science, you definitely love these. However, if you do not excel in these subjects, you will be having a hard time dealing with them. But formulas are actually not limited to numbers, parentheses, and mathematical symbols; formulas also meant tips and tried and tested actions. A good example would be the tried and tested formulas for improving essay writing skills.

  • Write in the active voice. Readers are more interested to read essay samples when they are written in active voice. The latter means that the subject of the sentence performs or does the action. The sentence would be like this- Amy catches the ball. Writing in the active voice will make your essay simple, clear, easy to read, and clear. 

  • Write a strong introduction. The start of your essay should be good and impressive. It is your bait to the readers. If it is poorly written, do not expect that the readers will bother to see the rest of your essay. Get the introduction right!
  • Write and ask for a second opinion. Use your skills and translate your ideas into words, paragraphs, and sentences. After finishing it, it would be better to let someone read it and have his or her feedbacks about it. Be open to criticisms- positive or negative. This tip will definitely help you improve your writing skills and make your essays flawless.

There’s no perfect formula for essay writing but as what Sam Ewing has said, “Success has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it.” If writing is really your passion, simply do your best and you will definitely succeed.

Monday, February 4, 2013

What's Your Ending? Write A Good Essay Conclusion!

Everybody loves a good and happy ending, may it be in fairy tales, stories, films, and even in reality. Try asking your friend about his or her favorite part in the story and more often than not, he or she would say it is the ending. This just means that the ending is the part that leaves a mark or an impression to the readers or viewers and it has to be good or else, people might give bad remarks about the story or the film.

An ending is like a conclusion. It ends a piece with a “bang” or a “boom”. It summarizes or recaps the whole thing in a very interesting and refreshing way. It should not bore but excite people. These are the things you have to remember if you want to write a good essay conclusion.

To write a good essay conclusion, you have to build a sense of closure. You can definitely do this by connecting your conclusion to your introduction. You have to show to your readers that there is coherence and symmetry in your essay. You have to “echo” in your conclusion what you have stated in your introduction.

However, there are some essays which prefer to leave the readers hanging. This means you leave to them the ending. This can be done by ending your essay with a call to do something or take action. For example, you are writing about global warming. You can conclude your essay by asking the readers what could they do to help our environment or simply challenge them.

Writing conclusion is not merely summarize your essay. It has to be interesting and exciting. Avoid phrases such as “in summary”or “in conclusion”. Think out of the box and be more creative. There are different ways how to make a good conclusion and what has been mentioned above are just a few of them.

Rise And Write Under Pressure

What do you usually do when you are under pressure? Do you panic or get confused? Do you become more hot-tempered or just keep silent? People have different ways in doing things when under pressure. For some, working in such circumstance makes their lives more difficult; but for others, this becomes an opportunity to bring out the best in themselves especially when they have to write.

Writing is not a simple task and it becomes complex when you have to do it in a very limited time. Students often experience this in class. However, there are still some who can’t master the art of writing an essay when under pressure. Hence, if you want to improve your writing and timing skills, here are quick tips to guide you.

  • Manage your time wisely
    As soon as you receive the questionnaire, read the question carefully. Once you have understood it, make a plan or an outline of what you are going to do. Let’s say you are given an hour to write your essay. In your outline/plan, specify how many minutes will be allotted in making a draft, in revising it, and writing your final essay.

  • Answer properly
    Do this by being responsive to the question. The reason why students fail to pass an essay exam is their tendency to beat around the bush. They put unnecessary words, detail, or information rather than providing the answer(s) to the question.

  • Organize your ideas and write them down. If you already have the answer to the question, you can easily write your essay. Collect your thoughts and ideas and organize them. Write simply and sensibly in order to finish your paper on time.

Every time you take an essay exam, just remember these tips and you are assured of a “Pass” and even greater than that. Just what like Kobe Bryant said, “Everything negative-pressure, challenges- is all an opportunity for me to rise.”