- The ultimate purpose of studying and being educated is to get a decent job. Your education is no use if you will not use it and have it applied in a job. After you graduate, you compete with other people for your desired job. Perhaps, you want to be a professor, a marketing specialist, an art essay writer, a public servant, etc. You greatly desire for a job because the moment you step out of college, you are already on your own.
- Getting rich is also one of the things you care about after college. It is the time to make use of your skills and talents and monetized them. You will work harder every single day in order to get rich, retire at an early age, and have a good life.
- Life is not complete without a family. Of course, you want to get married. Who does not want anyway? You care about your personal romantic life. You want to find the right person for you, be married with that person, have a family, and kids.
These are the 3 things you care about after college but as long as you are still in the university, you have to focus more on your studies and aim to graduate with flying colors.
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