Here’s what you have to consider. Pick the course that is really close to your heart. If writing is your passion, then without any hesitation, choose a college writing course.

In case you decided to take a writing course, here are the things you have to expect:
- Usually, writing courses in colleges have two main types- expository writing and research paper composition. In the first type, you will be required to write five various types of essays including comparison/contrast, causal analysis, and more. In the second type, students have to write a 2 research papers due before midterm and a week before finals.
- There are some colleges which require students enrolled in writing courses to write 5-6 essays a week. This is a form of training for the students to enhance and improve their writing skills.
- Attendance is very important. If in highschool, you have made 2 or 3 absences, college is totally different. Missing more than 3 classes will definitely affect your grade and performance.
Expect that in a writing course, you will eat essays for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And if you can’t take this, perhaps Physics or ECE is the right course for you.